Sunday, August 9, 2015

Summer Camp Planning | What's in your Summer Camp BAG?

We are just finishing up our summer camps and I must say, prepping for camp is exciting, and we get to do it all over again for fall, this school year.

Do you have morning drop offs? How do you get them in their day clothes, pack their gear, feed them breakfast, slather them with sun block, and get them to camp on time?

So what's your plan of approach? At our house, we pack the kids clothes the night before. Some camps have kids wear clothes for special theme days, so check their calendar.

If your kids go to camp with a backpack or bag, please empty them when they get home. You do not want a wet swimsuit, nor find anything smelly to forget about.

If your kids are going to sports camp, please take out their gear, clothes, socks, and such and spray Lysol so their gear doesn't breed bacteria. For my kids, I've been spraying with this Natural Spray made with 1/2 cup of witch hazel + 7 drops Peppermint + 7 drops Tea Tree Oil

Keep a checklist and go through the list as you prepare for the morning crazy rush.

In the afternoon, make sure you have ice cold drinks, snacks, and such when you pick them up.

Optional Items: Aloe, Sunglasses, Lip Balm, + First Aid are great to bring along.

One of the mother's blogging mentioned that she packs BodyArmor drinks that she gets from Target that she packs for her kids.

Body Armor She finds Gatorade to be too sugary, and BodyArmor drinks for me, taste like Honest Drinks version of a sports drink without all that sugar.

For snacks, grapes that are kept cold, bananas that are also kept cold, or crackers, are great items to pack for your kids.

Have a Happy + Safe Summer!

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