Friday, May 3, 2013

Whole 30 Challenge 2013? Challenge Accepted!

I've been changing my diet to a primal or paleo diet along with my family, but had been recently eating quite poorly with the Easter candies and other not good for you food. So when my family decided to jump back into focusing on eating better, we decided to take on the Whole 30 Day challenge.

This program allows us to eat meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and good fats. That also means no processed foods, alcohol, no sugar, dairy, legumes, white potatoes, and grains. 

So far, it's been pretty interesting, eating in this naked manner. Already, the family is on it's 3rd day, and the fruit taste sweeter, and flavorings are intensified.

The link above will have additional links if you are curious to learn more.

We hope to eat better, and so far we've been including lots of vegetables into our day to day meals.

This week we are looking forward to sweet potato fries, grilled greek chicken, chicken tortilla-free burritos, Spicy Caulifornia Rolls , zucchini hummus and much more!

Primal, Paleo, and Whole 30 Challenge, are all versions of Clean Eating. Like most lifestyle choices, these ways of eating aren't necessarily a DIET, but actually a lifestyle. Eating this way, demands you to read labels, to cook, and to work things out on what you can and cannot do, from cooking, prepping, and bringing in lunch, to finding ways of eating out with the rules in mind.

We are looking forward to completing this challenge, and so far, these 3 days have been good in re-aligning the general paleo philosophy.

As we are approaching Cinco de Mayo, we'll look up some Guacamole, Salsa, Mexican FAUX Rice, Creamy Shrimp and Avocado Ceviche, and other recipes while we stay within our Whole 30 Challenge.

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